We are living in a unique situation in our lives right now! Staying home, protecting ourselves and our family from the virus is the priority number one. But, we are not alone, we are all together in this.... and if we focus on positive things, if we keep our energy elevated, that will help the planet even more! So, using your time to make something that make you feel good instead of letting the scary news enter your heart it's the best option ever. Then, listen to a good music, dance, sing, play games with your family, sew, paint, whatever you prefer! If you are a passionate crafter like me, crafting is a wonderful idea. Crafting is so relaxing, allow ourselves to have fun, to focus on positive and creating something out of "nothing" make us feel accomplished, happy and full of good energy...and that's what we all need now!
Last week after seeing a picture of a beautiful and simple box that Judy posted on our Facebook Group Cartonnage Fabric boxes, I got so excited to make one for myself, it seemed so fun, using simple materials and having lots of fun (Thanks a lot Judy for sharing!). So, I made my version of the box/tray so quickly reusing cereal box and yes, it was lots of fun! Then, I knew I had to share this with you, because if you have any empty cereal/cracker box, coffee filters box, frozen pizza box, scraps of fabric and glue, then you can make it too! So, let's do it?
First I took some pictures, then I decided that this project would deserve a video. So, in this blog post you will have the video that you can follow and make yours, and below the video you will see some pictures, details of the process and some dimensions. Have SO much fun, that's what I want!
So, here is the video, grab a cup of coffee and have fun watching!
And now, let's see some extra details:
- Empty cereal boxes, cracker boxes, coffee filters boxes, frozen pizza boxes
- scraps of fabric
- Glue All (Elmer's) - white PVA glue
- roller paint, paint brush
- masking tape
- ribbon (about 40")
- paper awl or another hole punch
- scoring tool (or a clip or another tool to score the paper on the lines)
- scissors, ruler, pencil, kraft knife
- plastic spatula, corner miter tool (optional)
The final size of your tray will depend on the size of the cereal/cracker box you have. The video explain very well how to determine the dimension to mark your paper. Take a look how you have to cut your cereal box (2 pieces with the same size):
Here are some examples:
TRAY 1 = final size is approx. 8" x 5" x 1 1/2" (21 x 13 x 4 cm)
Cut 2 pieces of cereal box with 7" x 10" (18 x 26 cm)
Then, make lines where X (picture above) is 1 1/2" (4 cm)
Follow the video to make your final lines (1/2" far) and then cut as required. TRAY 2 = final size is approx. 5 1/4" x 3" x 1 1/2" (13 x 8 x 4 cm)
Cut 2 pieces of cereal box (or coffee filters) with 7" x 4 7/8" (18 x 12 cm)
Then, make lines where X (picture above) is 1 1/2" (4cm)
Follow the video to make your final lines (1/2" far) and then cut as required.
TRAY 3 (video) = final size is approx. 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" x 2" (11 x 11 x 5 cm)
Cut 2 pieces of cereal box (or coffee filters) with 7" x 7" (18 x 18 cm)
Then, make lines where X (picture above) is 2" (5 cm)
Follow the video to make your final lines (1/2" far) and then cut as required. You will have 2 pieces of the cereal box with the same dimension. Cut, then score on the lines (center lines) and fold over the scored lines:
You will glue the fabric on the side of the paper that is not printed. One is the top and the other one is the bottom (make sure to watch the video for more details):
When you have your two pieces covered with fabric, you will glue them together making sure they are aligned and add masking tape all around. Then, put them in the final position adding masking tape. That will allow the tray to dry in the correct position:Unfortunately there is no pictures on this step, but the video explains very well how to make the holes once your tray is dried (after 5-6 h, removing the masking tape) and then add the ribbons!
That's it! A simple and quick project that you can have fun making today while helping yourself to focus on the good things and keep your energy elevated!
I hope you like my idea! Enjoy your crafting time!! Keep safe! And if you want more ideas of gluing fabric and reusing cereal boxes, check my online school, there are FREE online courses with more ideas.
I will love to hear from you, and if you like this project and the idea of having fun crafting, please share with your friends..... let' all craft our stress away!
Have a wonderful day!